Intercessory Prayer Team
The Intercessory Prayer Team meets on the first Sunday of each month to pray for the concerns of the church and for requests made by members, their families, and friends.
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Intercessory prayer is ongoing during the week for spiritual and physical healing and deliverance. It is believed that prayer changes the person praying and the one being prayed for. Rev. Howard C. Wright prays each Sunday for those who have placed a request in the Grace A.M.E. Church prayer ark.

Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry is dedicated to uplifting and strengthening the men of God while motivating them to take their rightful places in their homes, churches, and communities.
Psalms 1:1-2

Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry is Jesus-centered and focused on helping women come to Christ and grow in Christ. It’s about encouraging them to understand the gospel, respond to it, and apply it to every aspect of life.
Proverbs 14:1

Care Giver’s Ministry
To provide support and assistance to those who give care to the sick, frail, elderly, or disabled persons in a home setting, networking with other sister churches.
Galatians 6:9-10

Van Ministry
Provides transportation for elderly, youth, disables and adults to our Church School, meetings, church outings and conferences.

Marriage Ministry
The Marriage Ministry’s purpose is to improve and maintain communication between partners in marriage.
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Ecclesiastes 4:9

Health Ministry
The Health Ministry provides activities and services that encourage and support the physical well-being of Grace A.M.E. Church members.
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Audio-Visual Ministry
The Audio-Visual Ministry handles the audio-visual needs of the church during worship services, activities, and special events.

Estelle B. Bacon Lay Organization
The Estelle B. Bacon Lay Organization stimulates and educates the laity in the doctrine, discipline, and practice of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
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2 Timothy 3:16-17

Senior Choir
The Senior Choir was formed over 100 years ago and is the oldest choir at Grace A.M.E. Church. This group sings every first Sunday, and with the Mass Choir on the fifth Sunday.

Voices of Grace
The Voices of Grace choir is Grace A.M.E. Church’s second oldest choir existing for 35 years. This choir is under the direction of Bro. Walter Powel
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Divine Voices of Praise
The Divine Voices of Praise is a choir whose members love to minister in song. It was originally formed to bring forth the music for the 8 a.m.
Sunday morning worship services.
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Donald H. Allen Male Chorus
For over 40 years, the Donald H. Allen Male Chorus has proclaimed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through song and praise. Named for the late Rev. Donald H. Allen, a former pastor of Grace A.M.E. Church, the male chorus’ prayer is to be a blessing to others through the singing of God’s word.
Psalms 149:1

Liturgical Dance Ministry
The Liturgical Dance Ministry consists of youth and adult praise dancers who use dance expressions to glorify and edify the word of God. Dance rehearsals are held every Saturday at noon under the leadership of Sis. Ava Fields.

Donald H. Allen Male Chorus
For over 40 years, the Donald H. Allen Male Chorus has proclaimed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through song and praise. Named for the late Rev. Donald H. Allen, a former pastor of Grace A.M.E. Church, the male chorus’ prayer is to be a blessing to others through the singing of God’s word.
Psalms 149:1

Liturgical Dance Ministry
The Liturgical Dance Ministry consists of youth and adult praise dancers who use dance expressions to glorify and edify the word of God. Dance rehearsals are held every Saturday at noon under the leadership of Sis. Ava Fields.